Forest Management Plans
Forest Management Plans
A forest management plan is an essential document that describes the current condition of your forest and outlines a plan of action to achieve your goals. Our management plans are comprehensive, well-written, and meaningful. We take pride in understanding your values and develop a plan that is rooted in science yet practical to implement.
Our plans typically include descriptions of forest stands, wetlands, streams, soils, wildlife observations, insects & diseases, invasive species, land-use history, timber harvest considerations, legal context, and more!
We assist clients enroll in current use programs such as Maine's Tree Growth and Open Space tax laws. We are also qualified to prepare management plans in compliance with Maine's Woods Wise Forest Stewardship Program, New Hampshire's Forest Stewardship Plans, American Tree Farm System, and USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service's Forest Management Plans.
Call Today 207 - 615 - 5508